To All:

I just sent this wrap up to some friends and thought I would share it here too.



OK I’m bummed out. Between Obama and McCain I don’t think either was that much different on the economy. I’m in favor of much less government and favored McCain. Government exists to prevent the “tragedy of the commons” and to provide for a strong national defense within a Capitalistic society/ideology. Read locally the pollution of the Spokane River by the Cowles Co and their real estate interests in the Spokane Valley – Sewer Wars & the New Chinatown.

By far a free market is the best mechanism for a fair distribution of goods, services, wants to the people without a ruling elite that becomes inherently corrupt and self perserving. I have no stomach for European “statism” and elitism either. Government is very inefficient in doing most things. Statism creates a dependent class that is not self sufficient and becomes dependent upon government for its survival. I think we saw some of this in Katrina coupled with an incompetent government response due to corruption and other factors.

The Europeans who look down their noses at us can take a flying fricken leap. It was the American taxpayer that pulled their butts out of the the fire of totalitarianism twice in the last century. Further it was our projection of power again at our expense that protected them from the intrusion of the Russian bear. Their economies were allowed to grow and to provide their social programs at the expense of the Am taxpayer. The Europeans are much like teenagers who think they know all but when they tank there is their parents standing by to bail them out. We are the parents! [I can’t take credit entirely for this thought][UPDATE: The folks at the WSJ were thinking the same thing with in this editorial, “Same Old Berlin Wall,” that ran on 11-12-08]

What concerns me as CINC, Obama will be doing a lot of OJT. Even his Veep, Biden, said this and acknowledged Obama will be soon tested by our enemies in his [Biden’s]more candid slips of the tongue. . This is another reason whyI favored McCain. McCain was not my first choice though. See my comments I shared with [X] earlier. I wouldn’t want to be in the military right now with an unseasoned new commander. The entrenched bureaucratic and hind bound “fifth element” at the CIA and State will continue to be risk adverse and self-serving. Incapable of carrying out their missions. They called the ball wrong re the dangers of the rise of Islamofascism. Read Timmerman’s book “Shaddow Warriors” sometime. And if you want to scare your socks off read his fiction book “Honor Killing” on how the Iranians can strike us under the radar e.g, think ship launch missle perhaps with EMP weaspon.

I see in our time many parallels with the rise of the Third Reich circa 1938 and now. And allso as some critics have seen allegorical references to Tolkien’s Ring Trilogy with the rise of Evil in the world that was appeased even though the Tolkiem denied this. . With regard to the hatred of the Jews by the Nazis this has roots with their alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood that arose in the early 1900s in Egypt. Osama and al-Zawahiri are an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood movement as it later allied with the Sunni radical element of Islamofascism. Hopefully we are not destined to repeat our history. I say never AGAIN!

This is why I have great concern about Obama’s radical left and Marxist alliances let alone a relationship with Rashid (Former PLO operative and spokesman) that the MSM failed to report to the American people and in fact the LATimes sat on a tape and refused to release it. So much for the “peoples’ right to know.” In my opinion the LATimes could have released a transcript that would have protected their source. It took them three or four tries to come up with this excuse.

This brings me to my greatest complaint. This is the failure of the MSM to dig and report on these past relationships. Obama has no record so his alliances and former mentors are worthy of investigation. He only became the junior senator from Illinois because of the “leaking” of Trek’s “Seven of Nine’s” nasty divorce records that forced her husband, Jack Ryan, out of the race – A case of South Chicago politics.? We know this firsthand here in Spokane with the SR and the AP covering the butts of the Cowles. The American people were voting on Obama’s blank slate of “hope and change” and were projecting their own desires onto Obama. The MSM has suffered from Bush derangement syndrome (BDS) since the 2000 election and was unabashedly in the tank for Obama. See the excerpt below from PJM of the laments from a career journalism professional.

Don’t get me wrong Bush made many major mistakes pursuing this war. This stems from his being loyal to a fault to his advisers eg., Rumsfield. However as Lincoln did he eventually found a general that was willing to pursue a winning strategy. The Surge did work much to the dismay of those who wanted to throw in the towell. Our troops won the war on the ground in Vietnam but the MSM elites caused us to lose this the war politically. I won’t debate the merits of that war or the actions of LBJ and his micromanaging nor all the ticket punching officers that passed through Vietnam to advance their own careers at the expense of those in their command.

Fortunately this time with the citizen/military bloggers on the ground in Iraq in the Blogos we knew that the surge was working six months before the NYT and others begrudgingly began to report the success. Thank you John McCain. The advent of the new/alternative media albeit the “wild wild west” has the ability now to hold the MSM accountable. The old media business paradigm is in decline. No longer are vast capital expenditures necessary. The new medium of expression is essentially free. The new currency is the value of thought, information, and news of the day that has relevance, value, and predicitability in one’s own daily life. We are now witnessing the great communication reformation as foretold by Hugh Hewitt in his book “Blog.” No wonder the NYT bonds have been relegated to “junk” status.

OK I’m done now. I will again shift my attention back to the Cowles Co in Spokane, WA. I’m an equal opportunity shopworn detective that doesn’t like crooks that would prey upon the people no matter what their political stripe for I am and always will be a Sheepdog.

Ron the Cop
Friend of Mark Fuhrman

Date: Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:35 PM
Subject: An interesting aside re the MSM and this election


Here’s some support for my view and what the future holds [From PJM].

7. What to do about the MSM? By virtually any objective standard — supported by statistical evidence — this was the most egregiously biased coverage ever seen in a presidential race. From the “tingle up the leg” in the primary to the never-ending slam pieces on Cindy McCain to the Palin feeding frenzy to the refusal to ask minimal questions about Obama’s past associations and policies, the MSM made clear they were an extension of the Obama campaign. With Obama firmly in power will he try to mount an effort to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, wiping out talk radio and maybe even the blogosphere?

While he contemplates that, conservatives will need to strategize on how to minimize and work around the MSM in future campaigns. It may be that you can’t run a presidential campaign without the MSM, but that you can make them far less important. If the candidates cooperate more with new media and less with old media, that’s where the viewers and readers will go. If Palin’s first interviews were with Chris Wallace, Hugh Hewitt,Powerline, and Politico, that’s where the public would have gone to learn about Palin. And a far different first impression would gave been formed.

The MSM remains important to the extent they are treated as independent reporters rather than spin doctors for Democrats. But Republicans needn’t play along. There is no rule requiring Republican campaigns to leak to the Washington Post – thereby helping to make news — or to go on Hardball.

Bottom Line: Technology, reading, and viewing habits and public disgust with MSM bias are powerful influences which will allow conservatives to find and bolster alternative outlets. But they shouldn’t kid themselves. Ronald Reagan got elected twice with no talk radio, no Fox News, and no blogosphere. The MSM is not the source of conservatives’ woes; it just adds to them.



Re the Israeli Palestinian Issue


I don’t disagree but Arafat was very good at talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He was a con. All the while he was ripping the Palestinians off with all the money the free world was sending them. Yes the Israeli economy is largely supported by the US but they do prosper. On the other hand a lot of money did go to the Palestinians including what Arafat received from the Sauds in exchange for not stirring the pot in Saudi. What do they have to show for it?

A very complex situation indeed that doesn’t lend itself well to to solution. This dispute has been going on since Biblical times and isn’t going to be solved in a few years. On the other hand this is a distinct and separate issue from the rise of radical Islamofascism which is clouded by the Palestinian issue.




Absolutely. What Bacevich says about this reality in “The Limits of Power,” is that the Global War on Terror is a tragic mistake because it doesn’t recognize terrorism for what it is: a criminal enterprise. With our highly sophisticated special operations capability, we have the ability to take out individual terrorists and terrorist organizations far more effectively than by declaring war on whole nations held hostage by these criminals. I agree with Bacevich. The war option actually aids terrorists because of its bankrupting effect on us–fiscally, morally, psychologically, emotionally, etc. Sending whole armies to fight guerillas and terrorists is extremely poor military policy. You go after these perps with highly trained and dedicated teams, and you deploy those teams with extraordinary care and creativity. Your first step is to understand the whole complicated context of terrorism and work hard at defusing it. Step two: figure out who and where the terrorists are and remove them, as you do other criminals.

As you can tell, Ron, I have a real problem with people who get their cookies off (Rumsfeld, Cheney and their ilk) by flexing our military muscles inappropriately or needlessly and who cast their critics as pacificists or impractical idealists or unpatriotic or, as in the case of Fox’s right wing shouters, something even worse. The price of war is so hideous and permanent that no sane person would be willing to pay it unnecessarily. You know those pictures that show grizzled old Harley-riding guys standing at The Wall, touching a name with a finger while they cry, or doubled over in front of it bawling their eyes out? Why do you suppose that is? I have no patience whatsoever for bias and mere ideology when contemplating engaging in armed conflict with others. It muzzles consciousness; It’s deadly; it doesn’t just kill hearts, minds, and bodies, it squanders them.




I agree. To some degree this is what is going on in the frontier areas of Pakistan. As our human intel gets better we are seeing more predator strikes taking out key terrorist leaders. However I disagree re this should be a “law enforcement” action to destroy a criminal enterprise. The law enforcement profession I know is too hind bound, too risk adverse and lacks the creative genius to carry this out.

On the other hand unfettered special ops could accomplish this mission. Unfortunately our system of government could not openly sanction such activity. Something the CIA should have been doing but they have largely become an inbred elite – incapable of carrying out their prime mission. I think the Israelis have done this the best. They have a lot to lose. Their country is only about 30 miles wide and can be driven into the Med Sea in a heartbeat. Whether you agree with their tactics or not they have to be on the offensive continuously. On the other hand we have great strength in the size of our land mass.

Collectively our disjointed governmental LE agencies and Homeland Security Dept don’t “get it yet.” Several examples of this are CAIR actually doing inservces for the FBI on the World of Islam and another is our PCism by TSA at terminal gates. Protecting us from an attack that will never come. Our enemy is not stupid and will attack in another manner. And yet we’re spending BILLIONS of dollars for airport security that only gives a false sense of security because we won’t acknowledge who the enemy is and the ideology that drives it. The Israelis do this for much less by doing behavioral profiling and asking simple open ended questions at El Al gates. After a few questions a terrorist operative has to go off script and will be tripped up.

And yet we continue to harass old ladies at terminal gates with wire in their bras. As I’ve said many times before the relative risk of them being Islamofascist suicide agents is very low. Your odds of winning the lottery are much greater:-) Further we do not have a political consensus to effectively seal our borders. I can tell you several attack scenarios using a small terrorist cell crossing our Northern or Southern borders that will literally knock your socks off.

Did you ever watch Le Femme Nikita the TV series and not the original movie?

In normal times I would not have the trepidation I do about Obama. The American people at the midterm elections will limit his power if he strays too far. However these aren’t normal times whether the Global War on Terror is a misnomer, whether we like it or not we are in a war of ideologies. One that values the free will of both men and women and the other from Medieval Times that is misogynistic and Fascist in nature with a penchant for pedophilia thrown in. I’m sure I’ve mentioned before there are ties between the Rise of the Third Reich and the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama in my opinion will be seen as a weakness by the enemy and will seek to exploit this.

Here’s two more pieces that perhaps may give some insight into who Obama really is. I know these probably don’t measure up to journalistic standards but they do raise interesting questions deserving of answers. I’m sorry the MSM has left me in the dark re these questions and others:

October 29, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Ali Abunimah is Likely Source of Secreted Obama/Khalidi/Ayers Tape; LA Times’ Wallsten Plagiarized Schlussel Back in April, Said Politico

Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby



Whether you like Ken Timmerman’s work or not he has a new piece re Obama’s foreign campaign donations. This brings up another question that the MSM so far has not covered. They were all over Clinton for this. I’m sure other campaigns have probably similar issues. I just thought this was interesting as it was ID theft and credit card fraud and the lack of due diligence on the part of our financial industry’s credit card subsidiaries e.g., MBNA, Providian, CitiBank et al, and their practices re preapproved but unsolicited credit card offers targeting the subprime market got me interested in international terrorism in the first place. This is a pet peeve of mine for another time. Leave it said this was a similar fiasco to the mortgage meltdown that led to the market meltdown that we the fricken taxpayers are now picking up the tab for.

RPS sound familiar:-)

Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:27 PM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman Article Font Size

A Newsmax investigation of Obama/Biden campaign contributors, undertaken in conjunction with a private investigative firm headed by a former CIA operations officer, has identified 118 donors who appear to lack U.S. citizenship.

Some of these “red flag” donors work for foreign governments; others have made public statements declaring that they are citizens of Cameroun, Nigeria, Pakistan, Canada, and other countries.


Beyond interesting–fascinating. I guess this is what happens when retired white collar crime experts have time on their hands. God bless you. Keep it up.



Atlas Shrugs is hot re Palin bashing.   Here’s my reply:

Mega DITTOs.  AMEN sister Pamela!!!.  COUNT ME IN

The Dems aren’t the only ones that have elitists in their party.  We have elitist sloths sucking at the trough of political largess e.g, Stevens et al. While the Dems have much to do with the meltdown of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac there were many Reps who received contributions from Mae/Mac and turned a blinds eye to the runaway train that was coming down the track.  No wonder the American people feel the Republicans have betrayed them and were beguiled by a “Pied Piper of Hamelin” with an enticing melody. This was further enabled by the MSM’s infatuation with Obama that failed in its journalistic responsibility to objectively inform the American people.  Instead they anointed Obama as the chosen one.

While it may be hyperbolic and somewhat Rockwellan, Palin and Joe the Plumber resonnated with core values of many Americans. This Country as a whole is still center right.  Bookworm has similar thoughts.  Because of the incessant drumbeat of BDS of the MSM many Americans lost faith in the Republican party and could be swayed by the sweet siren call of Obama’s voice.  As I said in my reflection piece yesterday the door is swinging open into the great communications reformation period that Hugh Hewitt has described in his book “Blog.”

Election wrap up – Obama must govern as a centrist

This brings me to my greatest complaint.  This is the failure of the MSM to dig and report on these past relationships.  Obama has no record so his alliances and former mentors are worthy of investigation.   He only became the junior senator from Illinois because of the “leaking” of Trek’s “Seven of Nine’s” nasty divorce records that forced her husband, Jack Ryan, out of the race – A case of South Chicago politics? . . . The American people were voting on Obama’s blank slate of “hope and change” and were projecting their own desires onto Obama. The MSM has suffered from Bush derangement syndrome (BDS) since the 2000 election and was unabashedly in the tank for Obama.

. . . Fortunately this time with the citizen/military bloggers on the ground in Iraq in the Blogos we knew that the surge was working six months before the NYT and others begrudgingly began to report the success.  Thank you John McCain.  The advent of the new/alternative media albeit the “wild wild west” has the ability now to hold the MSM accountable.  The old media business paradigm is in decline.  No longer are vast capital expenditures necessary.  The new medium of expression is essentially free.  The new currency is the value of thought, information, and news of the day that has relevance, value, and predicitability in one’s own daily life.  We are now witnessing the great communication reformation as foretold by Hugh Hewitt in his book “Blog.” No wonder the NYT bonds have been relegated to “junk” status.

Pamela you caught a brief moment in this campaign with the comment of Congressmen Nadler, like Joe the Plumber did with an unscripted remark that gave a real insight that the MSM was unwilling to probe and report.  The business paradigm of the MSM is headed for the tank as evident with the “junk” status of the NYT bonds.  Pamela you and others in the new/alternative media are at the forefront of this reformation.