I would encourage all to read this article by S-R Reporter Tom Clouse:

Deputy cleared in Creach shooting

Please be sure to read the comment thread where I have posted new information after meeting with Sheriff Knezovich, Det. Rich Gere and SPD Ombudsman Tim Burns for three hours last Friday.  I’ve updated, clarified and correction previous information I’ve posted here.  The Sheriff has indicated a willingness to make some changes following this shooting to aid in preventing/minimizing such incidents from occurring and to aid in the investigation of OIS/OID in the future.

Stay tuned for further developments.  Here’s an excerpt in an effort to tone done the extremist rhetoric that been floating around the community:

And lastly I would encourage all to refrain from stirring the pot on this issue and making extremist statements about killing cops. As I said before the truth has a tendency to reveal itself in these cases. Bad apples tend to take care of themselves. There are appropriate venues where these issues in subject to interpretation and debate can be resolved in a civil manner. After all we need each other – we are the police and the police are us.

More importantly this was a learning experience for all involved. Can things have been handled better? Of course and Sheriff Knezovich is open to considering changes that make sense to prevent/minimize future events and also to aid in their investigation.